
Maintaining Stainless Steel Sauce Pan

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Stainless steel cookware have become a popular choice in the market, and this is due to its many benefits.


The reason why it is a popular choice is beyond just aesthetic appearance, it is absolutely amazing and you will enjoy using it.


Stainless steel is a metal alloy which has about 10-11 percent chromium. This is what makes it shielded from the effect of scratches and moisture.


Most outstanding about stainless steel sauce pans is the fact that the higher the level of the chromium component, the better they are.


Although, stainless steel cookware are low maintenance you still need some techniques to properly achieve this.


However, it is important to also mention that you purchase your stainless steel saucepan from a reputable brand that you can trust.


In this article, we will discuss easy ways to maintain your stainless steel sauce pan through regular cleaning.


1. In the case of burnt foods which even the best of cooks experience here are some tips to use in cleaning your stainless steel saucepan.


· Boiling water

You can use boiling water to remove burnt food from your saucepan.


First scrub away a large amount with a scrubber, then fill the pan with water and some dish soap.


Make sure the burnt food is covered by the water. Allow the water boil, while it’s boiling, you will easily scrape away the burnt food using a spatula.


· Vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar is a very effective cleaning solution because of its acetic acid content which will help to break down the tough food particles.


First fill the bottom of the saucepan with water, make sure it covers the burnt food. Next add 1 cup of vinegar and allow the water boil.


While it’s boiling remove the saucepan from heat and add two table spoons of baking soda. Mix together briefly and empty it out.


Lastly, use a sponge or non-abrasive scrubber to remove remnant food particles.  

OEM stainless steel sauce pan


2. In case of burnt stainless steel pans

When you overheat any of your stainless steel cookware it can leave ugly burn marks on the bottom and insides of the pan


· Baking soda

Baking soda is a go-to cleaning agent. First ensure the pan is dry, flip it over and sprinkle some baking soda over the pan’s bottom evenly.


Rub the baking soda into the burn marks with a dry cloth. You can also form the baking soda into a paste if you want, and rinse off the excess baking soda once you’re done.


· Boiling salt

This is most effective for burn marks inside the pan rather than outside.  First fill the pan with water enough to cover the affected areas, allow the water boil.


While boiling add few spoons of salt and turn off the heat instantly. Leave the water in for a few hours and then empty it out.


Scrub the insides with a sponge that is non-abrasive, you can repeat the process if necessary.



Stainless steel cookware a not hard to maintain but these tips come in handy for effective cleaning and maintenance.


All these items mentioned are easily accessible and can be found in the home within the kitchen, so you need not go out of your way to effectively clean and maintain your stainless steel cookware.


It is worthy of mention here again that you need to purchase your stainless steel saucepan from a brand that you can trust.


Doing this will guarantee that you enjoy maximum benefits from using stainless steel saucepan


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