
What Is A Pressure Cooker and How Do You Use It

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While pressure cookers may look intimidating, many of today's greatest pressure cookers are remarkably simple to operate. You can whip up some amazing entrees like curry and pot roast, whether you're cooking overnight or leaving to simmer while you're at work. In this breakdown, we take a look at the fundamentals of pressure cooking, covering the device basics, and offering a few cooking suggestions of our own.

pressure cooker

What is a pressure cooker?

A pressure cooker is an airtight cooking device that cooks food quickly, thanks to the steam pressure that builds up inside. The steam makes the food moist, which is why this device is perfect for meat stews, cheesecakes, and much more. There are stovetop pressure cookers that use the heat of the stove, as well as countertop units that you plug into a wall outlet. Many plug-in pressure cookers boast other features and functions, like slow cooking and steaming in addition to pressure cooking.


How do I use a pressure cooker?

Getting to know your pressure cooker for the first time? Try pressure cooking with just water — this is called a water test, and it’ll help you get to know your machine better. All you have to do is add one or two cups of water into the pot (always use the inner pot, and never put food directly into the cooker without this pot for safety reasons). Lock the lid into position, and make sure to adjust the valve so that it is in the sealed position.


Next, select a button for which the cooking time is relatively short. For example, if your device has a button for fish, use that. You can also manually set the pressure cooking time for two or three minutes. Now, all you have to do is watch the pressure cooker do its magic. After a few minutes or so of the water heating up and building steam pressure, the pressure will then start counting down and slowly release. You should then be able to try it out with real food items.

How do I make sure the pressure is released?

This is a top concern among people who have never used pressure cookers before. The good news is that modern pressure cookers are very safe and easy to use. Most pressure cookers have a steam release valve, which you can move into the vent position to start releasing the pressure.


The easiest approach, however, is to just let the pressure cooker slowly release the pressure all by itself. Keep an eye on the countdown to make sure it’s complete — don’t try to open the lid before the countdown is up, or you could get burned (fortunately, many cookers lock the lid and prevent you from opening it before the pressure releases). Some cooks even like letting the pressure cooker sit for a little while longer past the countdown, just to make sure every last bit of pressure is gone.

 How do I use a pressure cooker

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