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Tips For Seasoning A Wok

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To establish whether your pan has to be seasoned, first choose the type of wok that suits you the best. It is necessary to season cast iron and carbon steel woks before using them because they are porous metals and will rust if not.

To properly clean, season, and take care of your new cookware, follow the extensive directions in this article.

Every cook uses a different method to season their pans. Three of the most common techniques will be covered: oven seasoning, salt seasoning, and stovetop seasoning. Whatever technique you are using to season a wok, the first step is usually to wash it so that the naked metal is exposed.

Seasoning a Wok on a Stovetop

1. A common approach to season your wok is on the stovetop. You'll need paper towels, a range top burner, and your preferred oil.

2. Finish the basic cleaning to get rid of the factory oil. If your wok has wooden handles, either remove them or wrap them in aluminum foil to prevent scorching/burning.

3. To get the metal's pores open, heat the wok up. Make sure the area around your burner is free of obstructions, your kitchen hood fan is on, and your windows are open because the wok will become extremely hot and emit smoke.

Aluminum Wok

4. Flip and twist your wok to heat both front, back, and side walls. The heat will cause your wok to alter hues.

5. Test the water by splashing a little amount of water onto the pan. If your wok is scorching enough, the water will immediately evaporate, indicating that it is ready for seasoning.

6. Permit the wok to cool completely before handling.

7. Apply a high smoke point oil to your wok using a paper towel. Maintain an oil coating that is as thin and consistent as possible to create a seamless, nonstick surface. Make sure to oil the exterior of your wok as well because seasoning also serves as a rust preventative.

8. Restart the stove with your wok on medium-high heat. That area of the wok is seasoned when the oil stops smoking. In order to season each part, continue to tilt & twist the wok.

9. Once the entire wok's surface has taken on a matte sheen and dark color, the seasoning procedure is finished.

10. To wash the wok without destroying the seasoning, rinse it with hot water and scrub it with a bamboo wok brush.

11. Return the wok to the stovetop and heat it to a high setting to burn out any lingering water droplets.

12. Re-season the wok if necessary, or store it until you're ready to use it. For a smoother nonstick surface and a thicker protective coating, season the wok up to three times.

Why Do You Season a Wok?

You may season your cast iron or carbon steel wok to create a patina. A well-seasoned wok contains a non-stick surface that is smooth and will help items cooked there absorb flavors. If you don't season the meal before cooking it in your wok, it will likely stick and be tasteless.

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